Survey 2: suggestions from members and Residents

Our 2nd survey - which should take about 15 mins - aims to find out which of these suggestions which we have received from members and residents are most appealing to you.  The suggestions are those offered followed our Public Meeting and Launch held in March 2018 and are reproduced as they were written.

As with our first survey, your answers will help our association convey information on community views - not only among members of our association - but also will inform Councillors, Council staff and the consultants who are currently drafting their Master Plan for parts of the creeklands.  Again, this survey is open to ALL those viewing this website.  In the last question, we would appreciate it if members of Visions for Armidale Creeklands Inc would enter their name so we can understand how members/non-members might respond differently to the suggestions made.

Please indicate your level of agreement/disagreement with these suggestions and then click on the Submit button at the bottom of this survey.

Many thanks!